The Wedding Contract (Episode 3)

ifaechi felt a hand touch her…
“ahh…mama…you’re awake…kedu
k’imere.. (how are you)..??” she asked
“a di m mma.(i’m fine)…g’inwa kwanu.. (and you.)..??”
“i’m fine mama…how is your health..??”
“i’m better…i’m feeling better…what did the
doctor say..??” she asked “eerrmm…mama…don’t worry about what the doctor said…its nothing serious..” ifaechi lied
“don’t lie to me ifaechi…i told you severally…your eyes show how you feel…tell me the truth..”
“mama…i said…
the door opened and a nurse came in…
“uumm…miss ifaechi…the doctor would love to see you now..”
“ok…tell him i’m coming..” ifaechi stood up to leave…
“ifaechi…kedu ebe i na-aga.(where are you going).??”
“to see the doctor na…didn’t you hear the nurse..??”
“hm…biko..come back soon..” she said
“i’ve heard you nne..” she said and went to the doctors office…
“miss ifaechi..i don’t expect you to be in the hospital at this time…you should be out there
trying to come up with the money for your mothers treatment..” the doctor said
“doctor..i don’t know how or what to do…i just came to the city..i don’t know anyone here…doctor..please help me..” she pleaded
“hmmmmm….i can help you but you have to do something for me first..” the doctor said looking at her lustfully…
“what do i have to do sir..” the doctor stood up and walked to her… “you know you are a beautiful girl… (touching her)..and i…
ifaechi slapped him..
“what are you i look like a prostitute to you..??…nonsense man” she said
leaving the office
“you want your mother to die ehn…you will
come back..” he said rubbing his cheek and sitting down…
ifaechi left the hospital to go look for money…she needed to get the money anyhow she can…she went out and saw a place where
construction was going on..she joined them….for two days she did that….at the end of the second day she counted the
money she realised.
“hmmm…just #20,000 naira…let mi go and see if the doctor will collect this one..” she said and went to the doctors office
“sir…i brought some money..” she said and handed the money to the doctor…he counted
it “what is this…” he asked obviously irritated
“its money na..” she replied
“#20,000..what do you expect me to do with such meager amount..?” he yelled
“doctor..but… “but nothing…will you take this nonsense and get out from my office and don’t come in here
if you don’t have the money..rubbish..”
ifaechi cried as she left the office… “what do i do now…i don’t want nne to die
ooh…chineke biko nu i ga enyere m aka.. (God please can you help me)..?”…she walked around hoping to see a good job…she’ll ask for an advance…as she walked she got to a huge company…she saw a sign post
“sweepers needed urgently..”….she wanted to go in but she was scared…the company was so big…but she needed the money…she gathered courage and went in…
“ stop there…where do you think you are going to..??” the gateman asked her…
“eerrmm…gud evening…sorry…afternoon sir..i..i..came for the job…the sweeper work..?,” she replied…
“(laughing)…look at you…dirty thing…even sweeper job you’re not qualified for…will you
get out of here now..??” he yelled
ifaechi fell on her knees..
“please sir…i beg you me…i need the money…my mother is sick.” she begged
“do i look like i care..??..get out..” he yelled
“what is going on here..?” they turned and were shocked at who they saw

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